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Black and white drawing of a monk in a library
I’m going to be like a monk taking care of trading cards that nobody else cares about or wants to remember.

Why Hello There! I’m the Trading Card Archivist, or at least that’s what I’m going to be known as around here. This website is a personal blog mixed with an actual searchable database I’ll be maintaining of all the cards I encounter on this journey. But what exactly is this journey…

Well I need a hobby or all I do is sit around and play video games. Now I’m not some crazy person who is going to go outside or anything weird like that, no sir, so I need a nice indoors hobby. For the past few years I was building Gundam model kits. This was a perfect hobby for me since it required me to get out of the house and go downtown to buy the models, but then kept me safe inside for 100s of hours while building and painting each one.

Unfortunately those kits are big. I’ve got two bookcases full of them and I ended up having to sell off a backlog of 30+ un-built models and just give that hobby up. In case I haven’t mentioned it I tend to go overboard on these hobbies, and fortunately I have the means to do so without bankrupting my family.

So at the start of this year, 2023, I decided to kick off a new hobby. This time I’d be mixing two long time passions of mine in the hopes of finding something that can last and not take up as much space as those model kits did.

And that brings us here. This site is my new hobby, building and maintaining it. The content on the site is also my new hobby! I’ll be opening packs of trading cards from all over the world, mainly non-sports entertainment cards or gaming cards. I’ll be scanning each card at high resolution and adding it to a searchable catalog also hosted here.

I hope you enjoy this. If you have any suggestion for sets that I should seek out, or better ways I could present this content please let me know via email: [email protected]

For an even longer look at why this happened, read up here.