my box of spiderman 60th anniversary trading cards open with a few packs laid out in front.

Spiderman 60th Anniversary is a stunningly beautiful set of trading cards. I’ve now broken an entire box of these, with 4 more on the way, so I’m really confident in making that statement. Everything about this set, from the artwork, the framing design, the rarity levels, pull rates, box design – you name it and they’ve done it well. It’s not often I write-up a set so soon after it’s release, but in this case, it’s worth it!

Table of Contents

A full box break of this Spiderman 60th

The Box

This looks like the Star Wars Pre Release box. I know I say that a lot, but it really does. Whoever designed this box must be just selling it to everybody. Anyway, it still looks great. This one is foiled up to be super shiny, just like the KX Chainsaw Man set, with a big Spiderman on the front. The sides have simple logo designs, and the back is covered by disclaimer information. It contains 11 packs, with 1 of them being the box promo or “hit” pack.

I purchased all my Spiderman 60th boxes from C1LUXURYACC Store my go-to vendor these days, I pay 27$ a box which is nearly the same as wholesale at 24$ a box. One important point is that searching these boxes is relatively easy to do and there are valuable cards in this set. The “Snow Globe” cards, a possible box promo, are actually 1 per case. They are significantly wider and heavier than any other promo card, you could easily tell the difference just by weighing the box. That doesn’t mean this vendor does that, but you should understand that they or any other seller, could.

back of the spiderman 60th anniversary trading cards set by Zhenka.

Being a Marvel set, this Spiderman 60th Anniversary set has to face the question of legitimacy. While it is nearly impossible to prove a set is licensed for a given a territory, especially as a westerner outside of China, we can still guess. First this has all the correct markings and warnings of a legit 2023 trading card product in China. We’ve seen many bootlegs and they never include all this – why waste the ink? The distributor here, 圆野文创 or “Round Culture” is a massive corporation with a long history of making licensed toys in China – including Marvel licensed toys.

That doesn’t really prove that Spiderman 60th is licensed, but I personally believe that it is. The main reason for me is the Marvel logo on everything. Especially on the front of the cards, it looks ugly here and covers so much of the artwork. If you were bootlegging a set you would not think to do this, to make your own set uglier right? Only the actual rights holder would both be garish enough, and also have to power to assert a design choice like that. Whatever you believe, there is a thriving secondary market for these cards either way.

The Spiderman 60th Set

This is a huge set. So big that I’m not sure even my 6 total boxes will let me see most of the rarities, much less complete anything above UR. It’s similar is scope to that Doraemon “Stand by Me” set or the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure “Big Blue” set in scope.

Let’s start at the base, the 36 SSR level cards all feature a common silver background with either a portrait or a logo in the middle. Usually there is also a word here like “Thwip” or “Amazing” in gold. These SSRs look so good in my opinion, the reserved design on these alongside the variety of artwork really made me want to complete the set.

There are 27 URs to collect, you’ll get about 4-5 in a box, they all feature characters in action poses. Above that is PR with 9 total cards. Then there are CP cards, 18 of these, featuring fight sequences. Then 12 IP, 16 GP, 12 QR (chibi spiderman!), 12 SE, 9 SP, 12 SSP… It’s a lot, most of those I haven’t even seen yet and we’re not done with the list. I have pulled IPs and QRs from Spiderman 60th though

There are 9 more SSPs featuring female Spiderman variants. 9 SKP, and 9 other fluorescent SKP cards. 9 EX cards with cool metal-looking frames, 6 MAX cards, 6 “Letterpress printed” cards. 9 SL cards contain metal medallions, 6 GD containing gold colored metal medallions. 9 STP comic booklet cards that open up like little books. 6 LP snow globe cards, yes like actual snow globes in a trading card. There will also be prize cards in this series that you would have to work with a vendor to redeem.

So you see, Spiderman 60th Anniversary is a massive set. With all those levels, completing this would be nearly impossible without buying singles. With my 6 boxes I’m just hoping to see at least 1 of most rarity levels.

The Cards

See what I mean? That IP “Ghost Spider” was the box promo card in the first box I ever opened. The scan really can’t do this kind of thing justice you need to see the video. Not all the cards are as busy as this one, but the all share that same sense of design. You can really tell that who ever directed the art for this set really had an eye for excellent graphic design. Except for that huge Marvel logo with the extra copyright Marvel below it – only a rights-holder would demand something that huge.

Above is a mix of SSRs, the base cards in the set. You can see the common silver background art, this looks great with all the cards arranged on a binder page. The central artwork has enough common elements through color and pattern, while also being diverse enough to keep this level interesting. I really like the villain ones, but of course I’ve always had a soft spot for the Symbiotes.

Above is a selection of UR cards from my pulls. These all feature a common composition in the background but different coloring to match the character. The Symbiotes are my favorites here again, I just love their art style. Especially Carnage there looking super menacing.

Finally here are some of the higher tier cards I’ve pulled. Nothing crazy, no SKP or above yet. The QR features “chibi” versions of the characters on skewed city backgrounds. IP has this cool “jumping out of the comic” look to it. On all of these you can’t really see the incredible stamped and printed foil effects on these cards. All the line outlines just glow in the light. You can almost see that on the line outlining the hand at the bottom of the Venom CP.


Another really high quality Marvel set? We’re kind of getting spoiled aren’t we… And yeah, I know about stuff like Fleer Ultra, and even the Masterpieces line – I have opened those products as well. I’m telling you from somebody who has all these various products right here in front me, Spiderman 60th Anniversary is a great set of trading cards. If it was even just a bit cheaper, like 20$ a box, I would have bought a case. In fact, I was pretty close to buying a case anyway – it really is that good.

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6 thoughts on “Spiderman 60th Anniversary: A Stunning Set of Cards”
  1. I just ripped my first box over the weekend (posted to YouTube as well) and now I’m hooked! I figured there would be lots of subsets/versions tougher to pull, but I had no idea the set was this large! I appreciate the write up and I’ll go back and watch your video shortly.

  2. I got a box and pulled one of those golden ticket cards from the box topper. Do you know anything about them as far as value or how rare they are? I can’t find anything about them

    1. Hello! There is a flier for that set here: The golden ticket is the C tier prize, did you actually pull the gold-plated card from the pack or just a card that says you won it? Some of these sets have the gold stuff in the packs and others make you redeem them with prize cards – I never learned which type this one is. If you pulled something that looks like gold then it’s probably the plated ticket. It’s collector value is almost definitely higher than then the metal value on that one.

      If you type like “spm01 gold” or “spm01 lp” you can get an idea of what the top cards in the set are going for. I don’t see any tickets though, only the gold plated coins. Your ticket should be worth more than either of those since it’s even rarer then these two.

  3. Hi, I enjoyed reading your post on these cards. We’ve opened 4 boxes, and I’m addicted! We pulled a redemption card for the binder, took us awhile to figure out what it was since we live in the US, but I’m hoping you could advise me on how to redeem the card?

    1. Hello and congratulations! Outside of China the bigger prize redemptions can be rough to actually get. The first place I’d try is with whoever you bought it from, but sometimes that isn’t the right person like if you bought a re-sold box on Ebay maybe. In that case I’d go to AliExpress and message a few of the big vendors with a picture of your card, Anime Card Store or C1LUXURYACC Store are good ones to start with. If they can redeem that they’ll tell you what to do next. Likely you will have to order something from them so they can put the prize into that shipment – otherwise you end up just paying the shipping cost which is usually really high.

  4. Yeah, I tried the original person I bought from. They were not able to help. If I send them a picture, can’t they just claim the prize? I tried using Google translate to read the card, not sure if there is a code on it that someone else would be able to claim like they do with redemption cards in the US. Thank you for the reply. I’ll try the store at Aliexpress.

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