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Transformers Trading Cards: Opening Pack 1

Last night I opened and reviewed the box for the Transformers trading cards I purchased recently. This set looks really promising with great marketing hard, a possibly actually licensed product and the artwork is more comic/anime style vs CGI movie. Let’s take a look at some of the cards!

The front of the cards scans a little dark as they are all coated in foil, nothing too fancy but it’s gives everything a nice shine in the real light. The backs are matte coated. Each pack contains 8 cards, as these are 2-yuan packs they should have better rarity distribution vs the 1-yuan packs. The pack I opened had 2 SSGs and 1 SG. This is another way that cards are marked for rarity in China. R/SR is rare/super rare then G/SG maybe is “Great”? So these are super-great, and maybe super-super-great? I don’t actually know, I just think of the G as a R.

I got an Optimus Prime card in the first pack! It’s the SG variant, but still looks super cool. The art on these all is generally great. The characters pop from their backgrounds, and the foil coating helps to make it all look a little 3d. The design is pretty good too, the frames are well crafted – you’ve got red for Autobots and purple for Decepticons. From what I can make out the descriptions on the back are pretty good too, at least for trading cards.

The SSG cards look basically the same but have a better foil treatment and more complex background. This helps them feel a little leveled up, but leaves room for even better upgrades at higher rarities. Interestingly these have that same number system on the front as the Demon Slayer cards had. I’m still not sure what these mean but the scale feels the same and there are two values that seem to indicate attack and defense. There must be some type of game system these all work in?

Overall I really like these! The cards are a little cheap feeling, and come out bent a bit from the packs — but that seems to be very common in these sets. The artwork is some of the best I’ve seen so far, with maybe only the Gundam cards looking better so far. I can’t wait to open another pack, for now I’ll get these all added to the database.

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