After reviewing this box I just could not wait to open one of the packs. These cards look so good on the advertising fliers and the Demon Slayer cards I opened from this manufacturer before were quite impressive. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a completely insane show, and the artwork is similarly crazy, can’t wait to see these.

Each pack has 5 cards in it, these are 2-yuan packs so hopefully better distribution. This pack had 3 R’s, 1 SR and 1 SSR which feels pretty good. Although this set also has UR cards and a few different P mini-sets too. The first card is a very shiny R depicting the villain Prosciutto. The card is almost mirror finished in gold, although the foiling is flat on this, being only a rare – the lowest rarity in this set.

Next up is a more silver-y blue card, still mirror foiled, depicting the character Ghiaccio. I love how they’ve got all the artwork lined up so well with the characters nicely separated from the backgrounds and the nice framing work. The statistics are here too, just like in the Demon Slayer, and even the Transformers cards. We’re going to open a set of Marvel cards some day that might finally answer what those are all about, or not, I’m honestly not sure.

I’ll skip the other R, that character is also on a card coming up, I will put it into the database though don’t worry. The SR I received is a much darker card. Still has excellent foil layering, with even some gold embossing around the frames now. This helps distinguish it apart from the R’s we’ve seen. The character here is Leone Abbacchio. Note that at least numerically, this character is 2x as strong as the others.

And then the SSR, wow this card is like a Disco Ball. You can probably kind of tell from the scan alone, but this has so many different layers of foil texture on it, then glitter, then rainbow foil embossing and embossed outlines around the characters. Those lightning bolts are then etched through to the backing gold mirror layer. How you print something like this is beyond me, easily the coolest looking card I’ve seen since starting this site. Oh yeah, the character is Bruno.
Highly impressed by this set, with this and the earlier Demon Slayer set also being so high quality I’m going to be keeping my eye open for that “Little Dinosaur” logo. Seems like that company knows how to design and print some just incredible cards. I’m only opening one pack for now, but I have 29 more to get through… I can’t even imagine what an UR is going to be like, I’ll have to wear sun glasses.